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Medical College and Hospital, Sangli
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ISSN International Research Awards Congress (IIRAC 2024) in association with World Research Council and Oxford Research News on 15th April 2024, at Grandeur Hall, Breeze Residency, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

Research projects

Ongoing research activities / projects / seminars / conference / fund sanctioned / utilized details for the last five years:

Number of research projects, which received research grants:
S.No. Title of the Research Project Funding Agency Grants Received (Rs.) Name(s) of Coordinator /
1. Evaluation of childhood asthama in UHTC area ICMR Grants awaited Dr. Y.R. Kadam
2. Preseence of metabolic syndrome in patents already diagnosed as type- 2 diabetes mellitus ICMR Grants awaited Dr. G.B. Dhumale
Dr. R.P. Limaye
3. A study of the concept about “Good Death” a health care providers perspective ICMR Grants awaited Dr. R.P. Limaye
4. To study feeding practices within 72 hours of birth in rural and urban area ICMR Grants awaited Dr. Neeta Grover
5. Study of use intravenous fluid therapy for complication of hospitalized patients in BVUMCH & H, Sangli. ICMR Grants awaited Dr. D.V. Gokhle
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